Hello friends and family. I have finally set a date and time for my annual trek. This is an unusual year as have the past couple. HEA will be having their annual conference in Orlando, FL from September 29 through October 2nd. Unfortunately, due to upcoming surgery, I will not be able to attend but will continue to give my support to the HEA Community.
This year will I will start at home and walk locally at 10:00am, Saturday, August 27. As usual, I am walking 10 miles and ask that you donate $1 per mile to support HEA. Proceeds to provide scholarships and other expenses for our conference.
HEA provides education and support for individuals and their families born with these conditions. Please see our website to contribute under the support button and scroll down to Jim’s Walk (possibly still under construction as I just decided to do this on short notice).
Donations can be made through PayPal on our website, or checks made to HEA and sent to HEA Treasurer, PO Box 1617, Kyle, TX 78640 or to my address at 440 N Main St, E304, Wauconda, IL 60084. Now to get the Fitbit going! Thank you!